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1. Make Bribery Illegal

Make it illegal for big money special interests to buy politicians, policies, and parties.

2. Make Democracy Legal

Pass laws to make elections meaningful and reflective of the will of the people, make voting more accessible and trusted, and build a government of, by, and for the people.

3. Build Power

Develop clear, confident, competent, committed, and connected leaders and build the statewide democracy movement we need to create a democracy that guarantees our basic human needs and allows us all to thrive!

Legislative process

MarchOnHarrisburg is committed to taking Pennsylvania from a failing grade in democracy, to one of the least corrupt states in the country. To do so, MarchOnHarrisburg is to build the Democracy Movement necessary to pass pro-democracy, anti-corruption legislation.

The legislative agenda is decided from early November through the end of December every other year (Pennsylvania operates under a two-year session calendar). In mid-December, our Board, Legislative team, Chapter Leaders, and Staff have the ability to vote on which bills to work on for the upcoming session. Lobbying begins in early January of each session.

The legislative agenda for each session is decided by considering the following criteria:

  • Bi-partisan support and introduction

  • Momentum of reform

  • The ability and authority of the State Legislature to act on the issue

  • Focuses on issues and solutions outlined in our Money Out, People In! Policy Platform.