Democracy Spring is no more.... but you can
still see their effects across the Democracy Movement.


Democracy Spring officially dissolved in Summer 2019 after four years of tireless work to get money out of politics and end corrupt influence on our government in the United States.

In 2016, Democracy Spring organized of the one largest acts of American civil disobedience, with more than 1,300 people arrested for sitting-in on the steps of the US Capitol. 

While Democracy Spring is no longer an organization, its effects are still felt clearly in the democracy movement, from the introduction of HR 1, to Democracy-911 march, and MarchOnHarrisburg.


MarchOnHarrisburg was founded by participants of Democracy Spring’s 2016 march from Philadelphia to Washington D.C.

MarchOnHarrisburg Executive Director Rabbi Michael Pollack linked up with other current MoH organizers like Emmie DiCicco and John Randolph to take the fight to end corruption to the state-level in Pennsylvania. 

Since 2016, MarchOnHarrisburg lobbied 250/253 legislators, marched 265 miles, and organized 14 strategic nonviolent direct actions. 

Learn more about
Democracy Spring here

Click here to join MarchOnHarrisburg.

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