Accountability on Day One

State lawmakers return to Harrisburg on January 7th, but the first day back doesn’t mean they get a day off from accountability.

We will meet them at the door to ask, Why do they choose profit over people?

Join us as we gather activists from across the Commonwealth to greet legislators at the Capitol doors. We will display banners demanding they pass the Gift Ban and Make Bribery Illegal this session.

Pennsylvania is one of only three states that has no limits on gifts that lobbyists and billionaires can give lawmakers–gifts can include everything from all-paid vacations to Europe, box seats at Penn State games, wining and dining, and more. The Gift Ban would make this kind of bribery illegal. We’ve been fighting for seven years to put people over profits in Pennsylvania. The legislature passed the Gift Ban out of the House State Government Committee twice, in 2019 and in 2021. This must be the year it fully passes!

We do not accept the tired excuse that there is never enough time to pass a Gift Ban, especially when our legislators use session days to win the favor of big-money interests.

For example, in the last session week of September in 2024, PA legislators passed 12 bills and held 49 campaign fundraisers. We fully expect this legislature to prioritize passing the Gift Ban this year and stop doing the bidding of billionaires and corporations; we will keep pushing this legislature until they outlaw their corruption.

We’re starting 2025 with a clear message and we need your voice to help us say: Pass the Gift Ban, or Get Out!


Why We’re Demanding a Gift Ban as Pennsylvania Legislators Return to Harrisburg


Ranked Choice Voting – The Answer to What Ails Us