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Rachel Murphy Rachel Murphy

We need to pass our Money Out, People In Agenda

We need to win democracy so we can have a government that works for the people, not the billionaires. This is a big legislative check in on our campaigns and where every issue we push stands in the legislative process.

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Gift Ban Rachel Murphy Gift Ban Rachel Murphy

Accountability on Day One

State lawmakers return to Harrisburg on January 7th, but the first day back doesn’t mean they get a day off from accountability.

We will meet them at the door to ask, Why do they choose profit over people?

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Gift Ban Rachel Murphy Gift Ban Rachel Murphy

Ho, Ho, Ho, End the Quid Pros!

With legislators who seem content to be on Santa’s naughty list, cashing in their relationships with lobbyists while so many Pennsylvanians suffer, is it any wonder that people are losing faith and trust in our government?

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