Two Democracy Warriors Arrested for Attempting to Deliver Messages to Our Representatives

On June 21st, We put our state representatives on notice:

The Gift Ban will be forced to a vote on September 12th
and they will very publicly have to choose which side they are on.

We delivered this message in front of a symbolic "Wall of Corruption'' constructed from 203 cardboard “bricks,” one for each State Representative, highlighting their complicity in maintaining Harrisburg’s culture of greed and corruption.

We warned legislators that on September 12th there will be a motion made on the House Floor to vote on the Gift Ban using a legislative maneuver requiring the support of 102 Representatives for the bill to pass. The wall featured 102 bricks painted black to visually illustrate the representatives needed to successfully get the bill to that House floor vote.

“To every representative in this building, now is your time for personal responsibility. This is your time to put up or shut up,” said Rabbi Michael Pollack, Executive Director of MarchOnHarrisburg. “Which side will you be on? Will you be on the side of the corporate interests and the lobbyists, or will you side with the people? Will you side with the majority of Pennsylvanians who are against corruption?” said Pollack.


What happened next was a real-time lesson on how the wall of corruption shuts people out of the political process and makes us invisible.

After we knocked down the wall, we tried to deliver the cardboard bricks (harmless empty boxes sold as children's toys), one to each of our 203 Representatives. Each brick included this message demanding our legislators stop taking bribes.

However, the Capitol Police barred us from entering the building.

The irony is clear when we’ve seen lobbyists freely bring gift boxes into the Capitol without being stopped.

We decided that we couldn't let this violation of our First Amendment rights go unchallenged. Two of our people demanded to enter to deliver our message to lawmakers. Despite our volunteers opening up the boxes, sending them through the scanners, and making it clear that we were not a threat or breaking the law– we were arrested.

“Capitol police clearly enforce two sets of laws. We’ve seen lobbyists carrying bags of gift boxes through the Capitol to bribe our legislators. But we’re locked out and threatened with arrest for bringing in small, harmless cardboard boxes with messages for 203 of our representatives because we have the nerve to demand our representatives stop taking bribes,” said Rachel Murphy, our Digital Director.

The protection of the corrupt status quo by state violence won’t stop us

On September 12th, they have a decision to make.
We want to be loud and clear: We are putting them on notice.


In the days leading up to September 12, we will be marching 35 miles from York to Harrisburg - our first march in three years! Join us for all or part of the march - and if you can't march there are many other ways to help. You can volunteer here.

TAKE ACTION ON September 12th!

September 12th is the first day the House is back in session after summer break, and it's the day we force the Gift Ban to a vote. ALL of us need to be there to hold our representatives publicly accountable and demand they bypass their obstructionist, so-called "leadership" and vote to make lawmaker bribery illegal. Show up on the 12th and help spread the word with this social media toolkit.


Mobilization to pass Gift Ban sends legislators into panic on first day back in session


MarchOnHarrisburg launches Majority Against Corruption Campaign