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Why We’re Demanding a Gift Ban as Pennsylvania Legislators Return to Harrisburg
We met Pennsylvania lawmakers at the door with a loud and clear message on their first day back: Pass the Gift Ban or Get Out!
Accountability on Day One
State lawmakers return to Harrisburg on January 7th, but the first day back doesn’t mean they get a day off from accountability.
We will meet them at the door to ask, Why do they choose profit over people?
We pushed, they panicked.
Here’s how legislators protected their swamp and killed the Gift Ban bill on September 12th— but our efforts are inevitably draining it.
Mobilization to pass Gift Ban sends legislators into panic on first day back in session
Both parties scrambled to hold last-second meetings on the Gift Ban where party leadership fought against our effort to pass the bill.
Two Democracy Warriors Arrested for Attempting to Deliver Messages to Our Representatives
We delivered this message in front of a symbolic "Wall of Corruption'' constructed from 203 cardboard “bricks,” one for each State Representative, highlighting their complicity in maintaining Harrisburg’s culture of greed and corruption.
MarchOnHarrisburg launches Majority Against Corruption Campaign
Many in Harrisburg are guilty of corruption, all are responsible for making it illegal.
Ho, Ho, Ho, End the Quid Pros!
With legislators who seem content to be on Santa’s naughty list, cashing in their relationships with lobbyists while so many Pennsylvanians suffer, is it any wonder that people are losing faith and trust in our government?
Crashing Corrupt Corman’s Fundraiser
On October 7th, after months of silence by Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman and his continued failure to bring the Gift Ban to a vote, more than two dozen MarchOnHarrisburg activists from across the state converged at the Toftrees Golf Resort in State College where Sen. Corman was holding one of his annual fundraisers.
The Gift Ban (HB 1009) passes out of the House Committee!
The Gift Ban is on the move! On October 25th, the Gift Ban (HB 1009) was unanimously voted out of the House State Government Committee, a crucial first step towards the Gift Ban becoming law. For four years, our volunteers relentlessly marched, lobbied, and engaged in nonviolent direct action to make this win possible, and we're incredibly proud of their hard work.
The Pennsylvania Legislature should be embarassed
Our banners spanning the Capitol steps on June 9th made sure that our legislators, our audience, anyone passing by, and the media couldn’t miss the shameful truth that despite 33 Gift Ban bills being introduced over the past 20 years, our legislature has made the choice over and over to put money and power over the well-being of Pennsylvanians.
From Quid Pro Quo To Quid Pro No! The decades-long battle to ban bribery in Pennsylvania
When the Gift Ban is signed into law, it will be the culmination of not only years of advocacy by MarchOnHarrisburg, but also by other anti-corruption advocates who demanded action for decades before us. Here’s a look back on the history of the Gift Ban.
Recap: The Week of Action for the Gift Ban
With only a few days left in the legislation session, we ramped up our Gift Ban campaign the last week of September demanding the bill be called to a vote.
Gift Ban Passes in Committee!
We’re one step closer to passing the next bill on our legislative agenda!
Our Actions Forced Speaker Turzai to Co-Sponsor the Gift Ban!
Nonviolent civil disobedience makes it happen! Immediately after two nonviolent direct actions, Speaker Turzai co-sponsored HB 1291: Gift Ban for Public Officials. A major victory in the fight to end corruption in Pennsylvania!
March to Make Corruption Illegal
On Saturday, April 27, we kicked off the March to Make Corruption Illegal from Philadelphia. We’re marching 105-miles to Harrisburg to demand a Gift Ban for public officials!