Support the Fight for Democracy.
We wage aggressive nonviolence to make corruption illegal and build democracy in the Keystone State of Pennsylvania, and there is much work to be done.
We just went through another election with billionaires like Elon Musk and Jeff Yass spending ungodly amounts of money buying the power to govern us, and once again displaying the systemic corruption rotting our political system: Large amounts of money are legally transformed into massive power through bribes. Money is endowed, like an idol, with the power of speech (money talks). And so, the voice of the people isn’t heard, and our government is responsive primarily to the voice of big money special interests.
In Pennsylvania, our elected officials are blatantly corrupted by unlimited gifts, unlimited campaign contributions, unlimited and secret independent political spending, unlimited side jobs, and a barely limited revolving door. We have no early voting or same day registration, we have closed primaries, we have no ranked choice voting, we have not signed onto the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, we are thoroughly gerrymandered, and our election laws are broken and unclear. Our democracy decays and fractures, fascism grows, policy violence is waged on Pennsylvanians (and our neighbors) and people suffer (800 people a day are dying in the USA from poverty).
For the last eight years, MarchOnHarrisburg has been building the democracy movement in Pennsylvania and boldly pushing our Money Out, People In platform. We push for a positive vision of a government of, by, and for the people - where our elected officials represent the people, and everyone can survive and thrive.
We have:
Marched 333 miles
Lobbied all of our 253 State Legislators many times
Conducted over 40 nonviolent direct actions
Conducted two statewide 20+ town organizing tours.
We passed the gift ban out of its House committee twice
Helped fully pass vote by mail in 2019
Helped force five House and Senate committee hearings on gerrymandering, passed open primaries through the full Senate
Passed two campaign finance and dark money transparency bills through the full House
We recently passed HB 2433 through the full House to prohibit independent political spending (like secret Super PAC and 501c4 money) by foreign-influenced corporations in Pennsylvania elections.
Dropping a banner inside the Harrisburg State Capitol Building.
We are bold in our demands and our actions, and we open doors that have been shut to pro-democracy activists for generations.
We sit down and negotiate with House Speakers and Senate Presidents, and we also protest at their fundraisers and occupy their offices. We are challenging and changing the culture of corruption in Pennsylvania. I’ve been nicknamed “The Rabid Rabbi” by Harrisburg mega-lobbyists and a “Militant Hebrew School Teacher” by the House Majority Leader. MarchOnHarrisburg was called “A pack of spoiled two year olds” by a white nationalist committee chair who we booted off his perch after a 12 year reign, and we’ve been called “The most effective group in the Capitol” by a long-serving State Representative.
We are a well organized statewide movement with leaders and allied groups in every corner of PA. MarchOnHarrisburg is eight years old. We operate with a small staff and a miniscule budget, we are thoroughly volunteer driven, and we punch way above our weight. We raised less than $25k in our first two years. We raised about $100k per year for the next three years. And for the last three years, we have raised about $200k per year. We need to raise more money and grow our budget this year so we can do the work that we need to do. We need to hire a communications director and a development director (so we can continue to grow our staff to meet the massive work before us).
Thank you for your support, our work depends on it.
For Love and Democracy,
Rabbi Michael Pollack
Donation Information:
Our 501c3 is March On Harrisburg Education Fund
EIN: 85-0791124
Donation instructions can be found at:
Please mail donations to:
March On Harrisburg Education Fund
PO Box 243
Cheltenham, PA 19012-9998
Our 501c4 is March On Harrisburg Inc.
EIN: 82-2598652
Donation instructions can be found at
Please mail donations to:
March On Harrisburg Inc.
PO Box 243
Cheltenham, PA 19012-9998